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Airpura F600 Air Purifier for Formaldehyde Fumes

Model Description Color Price Qty
F600 FORMALDEHYDE - The Airpura F600 is recommended for use in environments with elevated amounts of formaldehyde such as where fumes are off-gassing from new rugs, furniture, and lacquers. It is also effective in removing other VOCs as well as typical household odors. In addition the F600 contains a medical grade true HEPA filter to capture particles such as dust, dander, and pollen.

Click here for Airpura F600 product page


Airpura F600 Replacement Components

Model Replaceable Component Maintenance Schedule Price Qty
F600 18lb specialized carbon filter Up to 2 years $309
HEPA Filter From 3-5 years $179
Prefilter Replace every 2 years if maintained monthly by vacuuming, otherwise replace yearly $39 2/pack

Upgrade to Airpura F600 Replacement Components

Description of Upgrade Maintenance Schedule Price Qty
SuperHEPA Filter: The HEPA filter in the Airpura F600 can be upgraded to the SuperHEPA filter found in the F614. The upgraded particle filter will remove 99.99% of airborne particles greater than .3 microns. From 3-5 years $209
Smoke Prefilter: The prefilter in this model be upgraded to the TarBarrier prefilter found in the T600 smoking unit. This filter catches the sticky tars found in tobacco smoke and prevents the carbon from becoming prematurely contaminated. Recommended when tobacco smoke is present. Depending on usage replace every 1 - 6 months $99 6/pack

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Contact Information carries the most effective air purifiers for allergies and asthma
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Home Page:
Address: 1135 N. Poinsettia Drive
Los Angeles,California 90046
Fax: (323)212-4700