Austin Air Produces All of its Products With Solid Steel Construction and Incorporates Only Proven Technologies.
The Body
Austin Air produces all of its products with solid steel construction and non-toxic powder coated paint for strength, reliability and longevity.
The Filter
Austin Air incorporates the only trusted air filtering technology used in hospitals
and operating rooms. For a filter to be effective, gases and sub-micron particles
must be removed from the air. That's why you'll find True Medical Grade HEPA and
Activated Carbon in every Austin Air filter.
The True HEPA filter was developed by the Atomic Energy Commission specifically to protect the Human Respiratory System (nose, mouth, throat, lungs) from radioactive dust particles. Austin Air takes it a step further, incorporating True Medical Grade HEPA with 99.97% efficiency down to 0.3 microns and 95% efficiency down to 0.1 microns. True Medical Grade HEPA is the most efficient particulate filtering media on the market.
Activated Carbon
Austin Air uses specially manufactured Activated Carbon, which is highly porous,
giving the carbon a larger surface area to chemically bind and adsorb more impurities
such as Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and other noxious gases.
Nothing But Clean Air
Unlike electrostatic-precipitators or ionic generators, Austin Air cleaners do not emit any by-products, such as toxic ozone.
Many customers rely on their Austin Air cleaner to control very serious respiratory conditions, such as asthma. Even the smallest amount of an irritant (ozone being one of the most toxic) can have severe effects. Austin Air delivers nothing but clean air.
Austin Air Products are Made in the United States
Austin Air has made a conscious decision to keep Americans employed by keeping their manufacturing facility in the United States. They feel that every company has an obligation to carefully examine the social, economic and moral costs of sending jobs offshore. Austin Air believes that American workers still build the best products, that corporations can still make a healthy profit manufacturing in the United States and that the benefits of staying in America far outweigh the costs.
After pioneering and leading the air cleaning industry for more than 15 years, Austin Air manufactures everything in-house. From the filter, to metal forming, to powdercoating, to final assembly, every Austin Air cleaner is proudly made in the USA.
Integrity in Claims and Test Results
Austin Air submits their air cleaners to only the most stringent government and independent third party testing; tests designed to protect the consumer by ensuring that products work as claimed. Austin Air does not submit its products for private testing to guarantee a desired result.
Extensive tests on flow rate, flow design, removal of vapors, gases and sub-micron particles have been performed by Battelle Laboratories (one of the world's most respected testing laboratories) and the Army Corp of Engineers at the U.S. Army Aberdeen Test Center for testing.
As result of these tests, Austin Air was chosen by the U.S. Government to fulfill the largest deployment of air cleaners in American history and chosen by FEMA and The Red Cross to address the serious air quality concerns in post 9/11 New York.
Complete Filtration
The Austin Air Cleaner removes both irritating particles and hazardous gases. True medical HEPA traps particles, while gases and odors are eliminated by a combination of activated carbon and zeolite. In the Austin, you'll find the superior levels of both filtration media.
Removes Particles
Austin Air Cleaners use true medical HEPA material which was developed by the US Atomic Energy Commission to protect its research scientists.
HEPA medium will trap at least 99.97% of all particles greater than 0.3 microns in size. In simple language, the diameter of a human hair is about 300 times too large to penetrate a HEPA filter.
The Austin Air Cleaner is packed with 80 square feet of true medical HEPA. The Junior contains 30 square feet. Each unit, for its size, provides you with the highest standards of particulate protection available on the market, and should last for five years without replacement under normal conditions.
Eliminates Gases and Odors
Austin Air Cleaners have the highest levels of gas and odor filtering materials available. The combination of activated charcoal, from coconut - the best source known to science - and organic zeolite will eliminate not only such annoying odors as tobacco smoke from your home, but also dangerous gases like formaldehyde.
The Austin contains nearly 15 full pounds of activated charcoal and zeolite. The Junior model contains nearly eight pounds. Packed with these massive quantities of filtration, the Austin will give you the most effective filtration available for gases and odors.
Whisper Quiet Operation
Switch on an Austin Air Cleaner and let it run as long as you like, for years even. Your air cleaner can't overheat and is always safe.
The Austin Air Cleaner whispers in operation. The motor is especially designed for quiet operation. With the vibration-free, welded steel body, the unit runs with a gentle, background hush. The only sound you will hear is moving air. Even on high setting, some people report that it is an aid to sleep.
A Safe and Quiet Motor
Quietness and safety is ensured with the Austin's Permanent Split Capacitor motor. The PSC motor, fitted into every standard Austin unit, is remarkably free from noise. The sound level is only 64 db at high setting; on low the machine barely whispers at a mere 20 db. The Austin PSC motor produces none of the irritating 60 cycle hum of other products.
Austin motors are totally safe for continuous operation. You can run your Austin Air Cleaner day in, day out with no absolutely no danger of overheating. Turn it on. Leave it on.
A Friend You Can Rely On
You will welcome the Austin Air Cleaner in your home as a good friend, with qualities you'll be happy to live with for years to come:
The rugged design quality of Austin's mechanical and filtration systems will last for trouble-free years.
Good manners
Your Austin Air Cleaner is quiet, attractive and always dependable.
Its rounded corners and protection from electrical exposure make it a safe companion for children and pets. Its special baked-on powder coat surface and steel construction forgive spills, bumps and household accidents.
Steel Construction
Austin Air Cleaners are all welded steel construction to resist the knocks and tumbles of the busiest household. Steel cannot emit the gases produced in the eventual degradation of plastics.
Austin Air has taken the risk out of the buying and stands by their products with a 5-year warranty on the material and craftsmanship and 5-year pro-rated warranty on the filter. Customers always have peace of mind when purchasing an Austin Air cleaner.
Have Questions or Need Advice?
Please call our toll-free number (888)246-8776 to talk to a friendly and knowledgeable customer service representative. We have extended our hours to 8:00 p.m. Pacific time (that's 11:00 p.m. on the East Coast) and are open on weekends.

Click here for our secure order form or Or call us at
(888)246-8776 to place an order by phone.
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