Users Guide for Odors Removed
by Austin HealthMate Air Filters
Many of the classifications are rather general, so it was necessary to pick a typical or average condition. The odor index for a specific situation could vary somewhat from that given in the table if special circumstances apply.
The capacity index has the following meaning:
A | Locations that contain the lowest amount of odor |
B | Locations that contain more odor than A |
C | Locations that contain more odor than B |
D | Locations that contain the highest amount of odor |
C | Adhesive manufactoring plants | C | Air conditioning systems | C | Aircraft |
B | Airline terminals | D | Air raid shelters | B | Amusement places |
D | Animal rooms | A | Apartment buildings | A | Apartments |
C | Apple storage | B | Art studios | C | Athletic clubs |
D | Atomic processes | B | Auditoriums | C | Automobiles |
B | Banks | C | Bank counting rooms | C | Bank safe deposit departments |
D | Bank vaults | C | Banquet rooms | C | Barber shops |
C | Bars | C | Basements | B | Bathrooms |
C | Beauty shops | A | Bedrooms | B | Binderies |
D | Biological processes | B | Bomb shelters | B | Book stacks |
C | Breweries | C | Buses | B | Bus terminals |
B | Cafeterias | B | Canneries | C | Central air conditioning systems |
D | Chemical laboratories | D | Chemical plants | D | Chemical storage |
D | Chlorine manufacture | A | Churches | B | Circulating fans |
B | Circulating systems | C | Clinics | B | Closets |
C | Club houses | D | Coating processes | C | Cocktail lounges |
C | Cold storage plants | D | Collective protection shelters | B | Commercial establishments |
C | Conference rooms | C | Conventions | B | Corridors |
C | Creameries | C | Crowded rooms | C | Dairies |
C | Darkrooms | D | Decalcomania production | B | Department stores |
C | Dentists offices | B | Dining rooms | B | Display parlors |
C | Distilleries | C | Doctors' offices | B | Drafting rooms |
B | Dressing rooms | C | Drugs stores | C | Dry cleaning plants |
B | Educational institutions | B | Electrical installations | C | Elevators |
D | Embalming rooms | C | Enclosed spaces | C | Engine rooms |
B | Equipment rooms | C | Examination rooms | D | Exhaust hoods |
C | Factories | B | Federal offices | C | Fermentation plants |
D | Fertilizer plants | C | Fish markets | C | Five-and-dime stores |
C | Food processing | A | Forced air furnaces | C | Fruit storages |
C | Funeral homes | C | Game rooms | D | Garbage disposal plants |
A | Gravity return furnaces | B | Greenhouses | B | Grocery stores |
C | Grills | A | Homes | C | Hospitals |
B | Hotels | B | Hotel rooms | C | Incinerators |
C | Individual cubicles | C | Industrial kitchens | B | Industrial offices |
B | Institutions | B | Instrument rooms | B | Jewelry stores |
C | Kitchens | D | Kitchen exhausts | D | Laboratories |
C | Laundries | D | Leather processing | B | Libraries |
D | Linoleum plants | C | Live poultry rooms | A | Living rooms |
B | Lobbies | C | Locker rooms | B | Lounges |
C | Lunch counters | B | Maintenance departments | C | Manufacturing plants |
C | Mausoleums | D | Meat packing plants | C | Meat markets |
C | Meat storage | B | Metal industries | C | Military equipment |
B | Military installations | C | Mixed cold storage | C | Morgues |
B | Motels | C | Motion picture studios | B | Municipal offices |
B | Museums | D | New processes | C | Night clubs |
D | Nuclear processes | B | Nurseries | C | Odor barriers |
B | Offices | C | Office buildings | C | Officers' clubs |
D | Oilcloth production | C | Operating rooms | D | Paint department |
C | Paint plants | C | Penal institutions | C | Personnel protection |
C | Pet shops | C | Pharmaceutical plants | C | Photo dark rooms |
C | Photographic industry | C | Photographic studios | B | Planes |
C | Plastics manufacturing | C | Plating shops | D | Pollution control |
C | Poultry processing | C | Poultry sales rooms | C | Prescription departments |
C | Printing plants | B | Private offices | C | Processing laboratories |
C | Processing rooms | D | Projection booths | C | Public assembly rooms |
B | Public buildings | C | Public toilets | D | Pulp and paper plants |
C | Radio studios | C | Railway cars | B | Railway stations |
B | Reading rooms | B | Reception rooms | B | Recovery room, hospital |
C | Recreation rooms | C | Refineries | C | Refrigerated show cases |
D | Rendering plants | C | Refrigerators | C | Research plants |
C | Reservation offices | A | Residences | D | Resin manufacturing |
B | Restrooms | B | Restaurants | C | Restaurant kitchens |
A | Retail shop | D | Rubber plants | B | Rumpus rooms |
B | Sales rooms | B | Sample rooms | C | Schools |
C | Service departments | C | Sewage disposal plants | D | Sewer vents |
C | Show cases | C | Sick rooms | B | Silverware manufacturing |
C | Soap manufacture | B | Soda fountains | C | Specialty shops |
B | State institutions | B | Steamships | B | Stock rooms |
B | Storage spaces | B | Stores | C | Studios |
B | Stuffy rooms | B | Super markets | C | Surgical rooms |
B | Switchboards rooms | C | Tanneries | D | Tar processing |
C | Taverns | C | Telephone booths | C | Telephone exchanges |
C | Television studios | C | Test cubicles | B | Theaters |
C | Theater lobbies | C | Theater lounges | B | Ticket booths |
C | Toilets | B | Trains | B | Train reservation offices |
C | Undertakers | B | Unit air coolers | C | Untidy rooms, hospital |
C | Unventilated spaces | D | Varnish manufacturer | C | Vegetable storage |
D | Vent systems | C | Vestibules | C | Veterinary hospitals |
B | Waiting rooms | C | Wards, hospital | B | Warehouses |
D | Waste treatment plants | B | Window ventilators | B | Wood working plants |
C | Work rooms | C | X-Ray darkrooms | B | Yachts |
C | Youth clubs | C | Zoological gardens |
Have Questions or Need Advice?
Please call our toll-free number (888)246-8776 to talk to a friendly and knowledgeable customer service representative. We have extended our hours to 8:00 p.m. Pacific time (that's 11:00 p.m. on the East Coast) and are open on weekends.

Click here for our secure order form or Or call us at
(888)246-8776 to place an order by phone.
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